
1- What is the paper work necessary to buy a parcel at Pinar del Faro?

If you confirm your interest in buying a parcel at Pinar del Faro, a reservation form must be signed at our office, and leave a token guaranteeing the operation. 10% of the total sales price must be integrated in a period no longer than seven working days.
The steps to complete the purchase are:
A – Signing of the purchase form and deposit of a token.
B – Completion of the token (10% of the total purchase price) within seven days after signing the purchase form.
C – Signing of a contract of sale, approximately 15 days after signing the purchase form.

Token complement:
Check deposit in our writing desk in Buenos Aires or Montevideo.
Cash deposit
Only in our writing desk in Montevideo
Deposit or wire transfer to Pittaluga Notary account at Santander Bank
Deposit or wire transfer Nordelcor S.A.account at Santander Bank

Signing of the Sales Contract
We'll contact you to sign the Sales Contract within 15 days of signing the purchase form.
We can previously send the text of the Sales Contract to you, or you can read it in our web page (www.pinardelfaro.com)

Our notary is Mr. Adolfo Pittaluga Shaw. His office in Buenos Aires is in:
Av. Sarmiento Nº 643, 3rd floor, Office 326
Tel.: +54-11 4394-8556 or +54-9-11 4024-7083
Contact Mr. Ricardo or Mrs. Mariana Calamar.
E-mail: [email protected]

His office in Uruguay:
Luis Alberto de Herrera 1052 of. 1410 - Torres del Puerto
Tel.: +598.2622.4276 ó +598.2622.7742 ó +598.2622.7770
Contacto: Esc. Rodrigo Alvarez.
E-mail: [email protected]


a- For a better coordination will remain in contact with the Writing Desk and the Bank, and will keep you posted on the actual date we'll sign the papaers and the date the payment is effective.
b- Don't travel with money in cash. The argentine and Uruguayan laws don't allow you to travel with more than U$S 10,000.00 in cash. If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the following references:

Operation follow-up: Cra. Rosario de Santiago

References at Pinar: Cr. Javier L. Volonté.

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Cno. E.S. Martínez 150 mts from National Route Nº 10.

County: José Ignacio

Telephones: 0486-2337 or 0486-2390

Our Company: NORDELCOR S.A.

R.U.C.: 21-491704-0018


2- How is the payment done?

There are two methods: cash or direct financing with Pinar del Faro.


3- If the purchase is financed, haw are the payments implemented?

To make the payment effective, you must wire transfer the funds to the following account:

Banco Santander de Punta del Ester

Branch Office Nº 37

Account # 3:933.500



Our contact at Santander Bank

Personalized attention: Manager Mr. Fernando Bernadet

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Av. Roosevelt and Lincoln, pda. 15

Telephones: +598-42 49-1887 / 49-1888


With the only purpose of making it easier for you to make your payments, you can open a personal account at Santander Bank, where you can deposit your funds and instruct the bank to withdraw your payment.
To do this you the Bank will request: A Bank reference letter.

A charge of U$S 50.00 for the opening of the account as a non resident.


Contact the Bank Manager, Mr. Bernadet, who will help you with the paperwork to open the account.
If you have any doubts or questions, please contact the following references:

Operation follow-up: Natalia Nievas.

References at Pinar: Cr. Javier L. Volonté.

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: Cno. E.S. Martínez 150 mts from National Route Nº 10.

County: José Ignacio

Telephones: 0486-2337 or 0486-2390

Our Company: NORDELCOR S.A.

R.U.C.: 21-491704-0018



4- Does Pinar have all the legal approvals?

Yes, Pinar has all the approvals required by the Intendencia Municipal de Maldonado.


5- Where can I buy a parcel?

At the commercial office in Pinar del Faro, or in the best Real Estate Brokers of José Ignacio and Punta del Este - Uruguay. In Argentina, Achaval Cornejo Real Estate.


6- What does the service charge include?

The service charge the co-owners have to pay include: security and cleaning personnel, common spaces and buildings maintenance, salaries of personnel working within the housing development, personnel social laws, road maintenance, waste-land extraordinary cleaning, common places lighting. This does not preclude that, in the future and requested by the co-owners, other services shall be rendered.


7- When am I able to begin building my own house at Pinar?

Immediately after the technical representative of the co-property has verified it complies with the Building Code, your own architect has presented the building plans to the City Council, and the authorization has been given.
If the purchase is financed, you must have at least 50% of the total price covered.


8- Are you ready for services?



9- Is there a Construction Code, a Joint-Ownership and Coexistence Regulations?

Yes, and they are available for you at the link “Regulations” (just in Spanish)

10- Can I build a house without any of the designs made by Mario Connio?

Yes, you can.


11- In case we do not know any public notary, can you recommend us one you trust?

Yes, we can.


12- What is a Sales Contract? Is it legally valid

A Sale Contract is a contract the parties subscribe, previous to the definite title deed. This contract has to be settled in the Real Estate Registry at Promises Section and as from the settling date the buyer is fully entitled to the parcel. This means that this registration is preferred to any later seizure, mortgage, lease, etc., on the parcel or selling party. Therefore, the buyer is sure that possible seizures or any other taxes that may fall on the seller or on the parcel the buyer has purchased will not affect him due to the registration of the sale commitment. Besides, in the event the selling party put up any resistance to subscribe the title deed, the buyer may ask for the judicial subscription of the same. If so, completing a formality that could not take more than 60 days, a court-appointed judge will subscribe the parcel title deed acting in the capacity of the selling party. This procedure offers the buyer the security that the selling party cannot break the agreement and not sell the parcel, since the buyer will judicially achieve the title deed subscription, as long as he has paid the price.

